
IOT and domotics was already present in our thoughts before beginning the hackathon, learning about grafana's project gave us the final push to go down that road.

What it does

It's a highly scalable app to track data for domestic systems that observe the data from the mobile app or grafana's dashboard.

How we built it

Full stack development with different environments we were not used to before this hackathon, mainly learning about arduino, esp32, sensors, python as a backend, mongodb as a database and finally after succumbing to astro and kotlin decided to feel a bit more at home with flutter and react for app and web respectively.

Challenges we ran into

At the beginning due to a lack of functional backend as we fought against mongodb atlas, we decided to create a TCP service to be able to access the information from the esp32. It also was quite a hostile setting up the information from the data source on Grafana to use the EChart plugin for grafana to take the visuals from the graphs to the next level.

We had some issues at the beginning related to the different sensors that came with the grafana pack and the bootloader from the esp32.

Finally we had to give up on kotlin and astro as we felt we wouldn't have enough time to push through.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

An astonishingly pretty view of the data for the Grafana dashboard thanks to ECharts, we are also quite surprised that after choosing technologies on a whim everything ended up connecting and working, furthermore it is remarkable that the frontends ended up looking quite well and finally that we were able to produce kind of okay code being severly sleep deprived.

What we learned

A lot about IOT and data monitoring as well as Arduino and sensors.

What's next for IOT monitoring system with ESP32 and Grafana

It is a quite good base project for a data collecting system that could be applied for example at any of our houses to control lights, air conditioner, humidifiers and more.

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