
Our inspiration was the fact that people struggle with finding the right information for improving their physical health, and that there is a lot, almost too much information online!

What it does

It gives you a clear guideline for achieving your fitness goals with meals and workouts tailored to your preferences, with many cuisines included! It also allows you to educate yourself on fitness without confusing yourself with the magnitude of information available online.

## How we built it We built this using Flutterflow. We chose to use this because we had some experience with it.

## Challenges we ran into Flutterflow's test feature uses a lot of resources, and the laptop did not always support the use of the feature. For example, our database would occasionally not show up when testing.

## Accomplishments that we're proud of Our collaboration as a team, balance of work and fun at this event, and the food we ate!

## What we learned We learned how to manage our time, create a large project within a short amount of time from the ground up, and pull an all-nighter!

## What's next for FITTER If we chose to expand this app, we can integrate AI to provide more workouts, tips and meal options. Additionally, we would include more cuisines and dietary restrictions, to become even more inclusive. We would also like to add calculators for certain fitness-related topics, such as body fat%, and metabolic rate.

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