Breast Advoccate
Breast Advoccate is a platform for all your medical needs about a problem which is not discussed and the womens who observe the symptoms shy away from vising their doctors, as the diesase is breast cancer. Here womens undergo many changes in their breasts and are not comfartable getting examined from anybody else. So we have provided you with an online advoccate , a friend to help you know all about the disease, self-examine yourself, knowledge about the symptoms, exercises to perform along with tutorials and online booking of appointments with the best oncologist all in one place with a single click and in the most private manner possible. So, all the womens take good care of yourself and use this app in the best possible manner.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer amongst women in Aisa counties.Breast cancer occurs when some breast cells begin to grow abnormally. These cells divide more rapidly than healthy cells and continue to gather, forming a lump or mass. The cells may spread (metastasize) to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Breast cancer mostly begins with cells in the milk-producing ducts (invasive ductal carcinoma) or in the glandular tissue called lobules (invasive lobular carcinoma) or in other cells or tissue within the breast.Studies say that over 1,77,000 new breast cancer cases are likely to develop by 2024. According to research, 1 in every 28 women is likely to get affected by the disease. While breast cancer occurs almost entirely in women, around 1-2% men are likely to get affected, too. To tackle with this problem we have made an app on breast cancer, which would provide you with all the information, self examination questions, exercises , symptoms and also consultation with good oncologist, so as to save your time searching for the same.
What does it do❓
Breast Advocate is a platform for all your medical needs and knowledge built using Flutter and Firebase. Breast cancer is the most common cancer amongst women . To tackle with this problem we have made an app on breast cancer, which would provide you with all the information, self examination questions, exercises, symptoms and also consultation with good oncologist, so as to save your time searching for the same.
Our project comprises of Five Features:
1. Breast Cancer Analyser: It provides you with a set of set most probable questiosn each carrying its own weightage to examine whether you are at a risk of having have breast cancer or not based on your symptoms and life style
2. Introduction Page: It's a page where you get all the information about breast cancer along with the current statistics. Just type in your information and sign up and we will let you connect into our app
3. Symptoms: Ever stuck or unable to make predict what worng is happening in your body? I have been in that situation a lot of times. Well then need a quick prediction and knowledge about the same? We got you. Our Breast Advoccate symptoms page would provide you all the information about all the probable symptoms that occurs when one suffers from breast cancer. I guarantee it won't disappoint you😁
4: Exercises : We are also providing you an exercise page with all the possibe exercise that needs to be performed to avoid and tackle breast cancer. The name and pictures of each exercise is available along with proper description for you to know everything about the exercise, how to perform them and how does it helps you out , Also the video tutorial link of each of the exercises are availabe, which is accessible to you with a simple click
5:Online Consultation : Aren't satisfied with our Symptoms Page and Exercises? Then you can try taking advice from renowned oncologist and get treated in the most proper manner. Also you dont have to search for good oncologist all over , as the name and the cost will be proided in our app and you can book your appointment just with a single click.
How we built it❓
Challenges we ran into🎢
As I am not good with firebase so to work with it was more of a steep learning curve. I have to face a lot of difficulties in the integration of firebase with flutter and most of the errors ,I have to face were due to version updates.But at last we were able to do it. Apart from this, a lot of time was spend on research work, which includes collection of stats and information about breast cancer from research papers. But at last I aced it all the app is ready with all the information required for the women.
What's next for Breast Advoccate
At first, I planned to add some great features, But I was unable to do so due to a lack of time but I plan to add following feature near future which are as follows :-
- Improve the mapping , to locate the oncologist nearby
- We would add more oncologist in the list , from all round the globe so that location never becomes a problem.
- Our own oncologist appointment board.
- We will add our own map to locate oncologist nearby.
- Upload on playstore.
- Pink-Ribbon supporting commuinty.
- Chat Messenger (onchologist Screen).
- have to remove some back-end bugs
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